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Old 10-05-2023, 05:47 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 7
Default zionist jews are the nazis

the nazi party and hitler were and still are the zionist jews in all govts, the freemasonic rothschild dynasty has ruled with total control over germany and all other nations, through their central bnaking the federal reserve, which was made official in the usa in 1913 during world war 1, the monster from jeckyll island.

the malta cross on the nazi flag along with the swastika are freemasonic symbols in the brotherhood lodges of the masons, masonry itself is a ancient cult of jewish satanists, who are engaged in sodomy and acts of sexual violence with children, including ritual sacrifice with babies and blood drinking rites, which is called adrenochrome.

this elite bloodline of zionist jewish masonic satanist luciferians has ruled this earth for thousands of years since the babylonian empire, the egyptian and the roman empire, and they are in control of all govts, politics and banking.

hermann goring was given a masonic medal of honor in 1939, because he was a freemason and a zionist, hitler was a zionist who was put in power over germany by the rothschilds to drag germany into a world war for two reasons, their plan was to destroy the german empire whcih was very strong at that time and in the way of their new world order, and to steal palestine for the jews.

you have been fooled and manipulated.

world war 1 and 2 were both planned events, for which the baflour declaration and the haavara agreement were already written in 1917,
the international jews declared war against germany in 1933, big surprise there?

world war 2 was a judeo freemasonic victory against the german people.

hitler the zionist had hundreds and thousands of jewish SS mossad in his german armies, back stabbing the german soldiers while in battle, how can you NOT lose that world war??

the third reich of the nazi zionists and the new world order of the luciferians is synonymous.

though our times have changed since then, however their ancient agenda for a global communist new world order hasnt changed and is well on its way to being perfected.

microchip implants and mark of the beast are no longer relevant, you have all been marked with nano tech transceiver robots inside your bodies now.

technology has advanced to a satanic levels and has become the devils favored tool for global enslavement of everyone on this earth.

you are all running out of time and your food supplies and your drinking water have all been poisoned, dont trust your medical industry, they are all serial killer doctors now depopulation is their agenda and they are all given a license to kill their patients.

your history books have been corrupted, your education is lying to you about everything and your mainstream media is mind controlling you.

climate change and pandemics are population reduction.

your slave masters want you all dead before 2030.

world war 3 has already begun but it will never be anounced on your tv.

Last edited by antizionist; 10-05-2023 at 05:51 AM.
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